Thursday, April 06, 2006

Lovely Arrangement

This time it’s not a dream, but a serious thought that came out of these dreams. I dream of love, god, religion, always trying to catch the ultimate. And these topics existed since the existence of intellectual man. The future always look down on past as old and out of fashion and past thinks of future as immature and impulsive. It is the present that holds the responsibility to bind the two. It knows that past may be out of energy but it certainly has the experience. They may look unimaginative and stubborn, but may be they have seen what we try. The future on the other hand, is like a budding flower, a chick just out of its shell. It feels the world around and likes to experiment. They have the energy and will.

I feel lucky enough to be born in an age that has seen a huge transformation in so little time. Both technologically and socially an era ended in half a decade. Never before there existed so many ideologies. The real world was wrapped beautifully in a well conceptualized virtual world. Here the power need not be shown but felt. Human desires felt the need of new meaning to present relations. Need and lust weighted over love and understanding.

When we see this world we mould ourselves according to the rules of evolution and existence. We define our rules that help us and our near ones to live better. These rules come through experience of society out of a very complex and complicated network of physical, emotional, social and philosophical needs. When the network around us tweak a bit, there comes a need for change in rules. This brings a shift in power from the old generation to the new one.

Its important to change with time, but to make sure we don’t reinvent the wheel, we need to learn from experience, the past. While we redefine something as fundamental as relations, we need to be very sure of its need and importance. How and why it evolved?

If asked about a relation as important as choosing a spouse. We get in a tangle of love v/s arranged. Arranged marriage evolved because love, often young, makes selection that tremble the foundations of society. They often don’t think of future and act on impulse. The stint of happiness is often mistaken for an everlasting, selfless pleasure of love. This results in bickering and discomfort ending the perfect world as soon as the spell is over. Arranged marriages constructed “LOVE” with understanding and dependence. But why ?

Well.. relations are different from love. Love acts only as a glue. It binds you together. The strength of your love determines the stress it can take, and once it crosses threshold the bond breaks. Infact the situation is pretty dangerous to society as it creates a resistance for further bindings and creates a void. This void often reflects to society in form of bitterness. Marriages in supervision of family and loved once help cultivate love. Relations teach us how to love. It not only binds but also hold the pieces together is moment of stress. The impetus of care slowly converts to divine love. Moreover it’s not necessary that you receive love from the same person you love. Such situations further complicate and create an environment where “LOVE BUSSINESS” booms.

It’s an old age saying: “Marry a person who loves you”. It’s fantabulous to get love from a person you love and also have a willing consent of family. But one should consider itself lucky if loved by someone, apart from our parents. It’s more important to have a spouse who loves you and care for you, rather than a spouse you love.

But talking of the “LOVELY ARRANGEMENT” a bond that is truly made in heaven would be to marry your love, who loves you as much, complimented by blessings of family and friends. A bond where your other half fills in the void rather than need to create that space