Thursday, September 23, 2004


WOW!!! How can I get into this. It would be so nice if somehow I get into it. Can I get invisible? Ah how powerful I would be if I can be invisible. First I will get rid of all those headless creatures around. They always bug me. Even if I can’t get invisible if I can just extend the limit of my mind so that I can read others or if I could just posses some extraordinary powers. WOW I can be a superman I can fly I can see through things. I have an X-ray vision. OH yes I need an x-ray vision you know after all its good for health. Even research has proved having an X-ray vision gives you half an hour of aerobics by just looking around in five minutes it would be wonderful if I can control an X-ray device through my brains I would also have a rocket propulsion unit and would replace all my bones with a super-powerful hydraulic unit. But I would require a lot of money and who would invest in this idea that would give them nothing. HEEHEE!!! May be I should write a blog and convince people to help me and sponsor me. A real diplomatic writing and let fools come in front. What would be the title “making world a better place” naaaaaaaaa then ok LETS CALL IT “ MY DREAM PROJECT”. This could attract some techy fools.

First of I am extremely sorry for you if you are reading this. And please make me understand some of my ideas as soon as you understand them. Why the title “My Dream Project” just because the idea of it came in my dreams. Seriously I am astonished by the power of the human brain. Undoubtedly it is the world’s most powerful processor is running only a single machine that’s individual bodies. No doubt a man utilizes only some 2-3% of his brain at max (may be even less). Please don’t rush to me to beat me up as this thought came, while I was deep in my dreams.
The thought was why not provide some auxiliary intelligent input output units to brain to utilize its processing power. An input unit which provides inputs to brain in a way none of our sensory organ gives, just for an example’s sake why not attach an antenna that tunes itself to a frequency range as instructed by the brain and captures the signal and passes it to brain. Just look at it, what a utility it can be, you can introspect your favorite television serials or the best of songs aired without having a television or radio. Put up a speaker and mic in classroom and you can attend the class while enjoying your sleep.
Really I feel this project has some very bright future prospects and it can drive the world crazy. Moreover I feel that’s possible what we need to find out or know is the interface in this brain which takes input from any other sensory organ and the form in which the information is carried out to hands or any other body part, and this should not be that difficult for our scientists to find out. And don’t worry about the dummy on which to test this idea. We can always experiment this on a lot of people around me of whom I think have no brains at all, or even if they have it is of no use. Seriously we should carry on with this project if not for the sake of me, for the sake of science, even if not for science for the sake of society as this can help us get rid of those brainless creatures of whom I wanted to get rid from the very beginning.
What am I talking, have I gone out of senses, no I think I am writing a blog, oh who the hell is knocking at my doors, oh no I have left my laptop at the lab, no don’t worry no one will take it. Have I switched it on? Press the submit button before u get up. Yes coming stop slamming the door. Oh shit damn you I forgot to edit the initial parts of my thought see these are the brainless creatures I was talking of !@#!@@#

1 comment:

mandelia said...

I really like it every time i read it. Great work keep it up
-- Gaurav Mandelia