I was thinking of what changed from yesteryears. The days of the kings, the revolutions, struggle for independence. The era of hunters, the Alexander’s, the era of wars between kingdoms and the world wars. It looks the same, at least the operating system, Just the UI and hardware changed. Pace has changed, the clock is ticking faster. Bullets travel faster than the arrows and so do the emails than pigeons and postmen.
We tend to live in a world that we create for ourselves, a world with a 3D virtual reality glasses fixed on our eyes. We interpret how we want, define on what we know and act on what we believe. We want what we never need, know what is not real and believe what was never ours. And we have built a complete world out of it, a world that we constantly want to change.
This is not something that has evolved. In fact this is the only thing that remained unchanged in all the evolution cycles. This is how an intellectual life is defined. Intelligence is all about proving, proving supremacy. It’s not about asking why, but in making one ask that question.
Well this time it’s not about individuals, although it always gets back to it. The pace with it brought lack of patience or acceptance. The world has gone digital. Societies cannot bend, they either have to be accepted or be broken. Even the bones are not flexible anymore. Everyone is either gratifying or killing.
Lets be more specific, point at events, the recent ones. The twists and turns, allegations and video tapes, the WIN on trust vote in parliament on 22
nd July.
Series of bomb blasts in various cities across country. Enough questions asked, both socially and individually. People stand hurt and ashamed, powerless. Soon the feelings will dissolve. May be a few will do their bit. No matter how loud we say that we don’t like war, the fact remains. We are at war, war against philosophy, against classification, against beliefs, against social structure, war against war.
No matter against what but if we are at war then we are doing just what we stand against. We tend to find the cure without knowing the disease. A war against the symptoms. Radicals/ extremists or more commonly known as terrorists put in more efforts and focus than the one who are talking. There has to be a source to such undivided dedication.
The rules of the game are clear. Rule or be ruled. Everything is there to satisfy the pride of an individual or a group or majority. It’s a design that the creator (we) made to satisfy our own desires. Its not about religion, it never was. It’s all about human senses, their ego, their fantasies and unfulfilled desires. It’s a war for supremacy.
It’s a curse we humans EVOLVED with. Cursed to Love, to feel, and be happy, curse of Emotions.